Update From The Pastors

Update From The Pastors

Dear TVLC family, At last night’s meeting the TVLC council made the difficult decision to temporarily suspend in-person worship services, including Christmas Eve. We do so in response to the heartfelt pleas from our hospitals and community health workers who are...
Is Prayer the Answer?

Is Prayer the Answer?

By: Vickie Denning, Communications How can I feel closer to God? How do I shut off conversations in my head? How do I learn to quiet my thoughts and connect to something bigger? Centering prayer is a method of consenting to God’s presence and action within us. It...
Mental Health Minute: Replacement Therapy

Mental Health Minute: Replacement Therapy

By: Dani Kolsrud,  Mental Health TVLC “Replacement therapy” is my term, not credited to any great psychologist!  We are having to do a lot of “replacements” during the COVID virus pandemic. I don’t google or use the internet for my research. Instead I burrow through...
Let’s Vote!

Let’s Vote!

By: Sue Jensen, Outreach   “This church (ELCA) teaches that civic engagement is a vital aspect of discipleship for baptized Christians … This church also strongly affirms voting, guided by faith-based values, as an exercise in citizenship.” Government and Civic...

Prayer Requests

In your daily prayers, please include Dani, The Kalil Family, Henry, students, teachers and school administrators, Mary Lou, and all who need God’s care.